Fire Reigns from the Sky as #Mobilegeddon sets upon us (so what’s the impact?)

March 22, 2019

The update is meant to impact mobile searches and give higher rankings to mobile search only (so please don’t panic in the desktop end of things).

As the #Mobilegeddon sets upon us will our efforts burn in hell-fire or find rapture?

At the time of this writing the algo has been put into effect but it will still take time to complete it’s indexing as reassured by a Tweet by Amber Gladstone (@ambergladstone).

Amber Gladstone on Mobilegeddon

Google graciously gave us the heads up and even a tool for testing which should have given site owners plenty of time to make the transition.

Mobile-Friendly Test

This time around the impact will be on a minor scale compared to the 12% impact we saw with Panda and 3.1% hit with Penguin.

Although this news doesn’t carry the heavy weight you may have experienced with Panda and Penguin it should act as a wake-up call to begin conforming to new Web and mobile standards.

The jump to a responsive layout is easier than you think. Most websites, if built with best practices, should be able to roll over to a mobile-friendly design with the aid of professional services. The alternative is to take this time to introduce a new design you may purchase through freelance services or as a template found on many marketplaces.

As long as it’s responsive, and you’ve done the testing, you shouldn’t feel the wrath of #Mobilegeddon.

Image by ColiNOOB

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