Ghost Golf
↑ 435% Revenue Increase MoM
↑ 1,305% Daily Revenue Increase
↓ 70% Decrease in Cost Per Acquisition
Ghost Golf, a golf accessory brand specializing in innovative towels, launched their Shopify site one month prior and desired to reach a very specific audience and grow brand awareness on Facebook.
Ghost Golf faced challenges scaling Facebook campaigns and keeping performance consistent and profitable. Being a new brand and offering highly specialized products, strategic targeting and focused messaging was important once baselines for growth were established.
Within the first 30 days, adQuadrant quickly established a road-map for scale and growth by streamlining audiences and targeting specific interests, demographics and geographies. This ensured ads were served to the highest probability of a converting audience.
Ghost Golf’s revenue continues to grow substantially Month over Month since working with adQuadrant, and an additional production line was added to keep-up with the demand. Ghost Golf has seen an average of 435% revenue growth Month over Month since working with adQuadrant and a 70% decrease in Cost Per Acquisition.
“The adQ team performs great. We hit all of our revenue goals and maintained top-line ROAS!” – Anand Nalla, Founder